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Here`s the thing: in adulthood, some things rarely resolve properly without a good fight, or at least someone who defends themselves and enforces their opinion. If you avoid conflict instead of telling your boss that he has paid your salary incorrectly and needs to fix it, or a friend that his birthday card was offensive to your mother, you will suffer in silence. The keyword “suffer” because the problem at hand won`t change if you don`t get involved in the discussion, and the same thing is likely to happen again. And so resentment accumulates. The thing about conflict avoidance is that in small doses, it`s actually a perfectly reasonable answer. Fights are not fun; On the one hand, they put a lot of pressure on the body. If you walk around looking for people to fight, you`re (obviously) not working in good health. But in many contexts, from the workplace to relationships, it is a valued skill and a necessary part of a good, healthy environment to express legitimate complaints in a way that is heard and respected. If you don`t assert yourself, how can you make your girlfriend understand that you really don`t agree with the fact that she plays Xbox all night, or tell your colleague that he made a mistake on a project? People who avoid conflict prefer to put up with the bad behavior of others rather than face it, and this does not lead to anyone`s happiness or satisfaction. People who respond to conflict in this way often expect negative outcomes and find it difficult to trust the other person`s reaction. “Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

Retrieved 14 January 2022. A form of conflict is a normal part of our personal and professional lives. While avoidance sometimes seems like the best way to manage conflict, it hurts our intimacy in the long run. Definition (Psychology) Psychological conflict or situation of indecision and hesitation when an individual has to choose between two undesirable alternatives. The avoidance-avoidance of supplements conflict is one of the three main types of conflict described by psychologist Kurt Lewin in 1931. The other two are the approach-approach-conflict conflict and the approach-avoidance conflict. This conflict involves choosing between undesirable alternatives or outcomes that a person tends to avoid. For example, a person who does not like his job, but is afraid of layoff and unemployment. Comparisons: approach-approach-conflict conflict, attachment-avoidance conflict.

Conflict can be healthy and lead to growth both individually and externally. Sometimes our relationships with others and ourselves deepen after a conflict, but it takes a few important ingredients for that to happen. Outside of our professional lives, avoiding conflict can manifest itself in our romantic relationships, friendships, and even family dynamics. Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of additional definitions and advanced search – ad-free! They prefer to be considered a “nice person” at work, for example, or avoid open, healthy conflicts so as not to shake the boat. Conflict avoidance is a method of reacting to conflicts that tries to avoid a direct confrontation with the problem in question. Methods to do this may include changing the topic, postponing a discussion to a later date, or simply not addressing the issue. Conflict prevention can be used as a temporary measure to save time or as a permanent means of resolving a case. The latter cannot be distinguished from mere acquiescence of the other party, in so far as the person avoiding the conflict subordinates his own wishes to the party with whom he has the conflict. However, conflict prevention can also take the form of withdrawal from the relationship. Therefore, avoidance scenarios can be win-lose, lose-lose, or maybe even win-win if the end of the relationship is the best way to solve the problem. If an ongoing conflict or avoidance of conflict within relationships is a problem in your life, you may benefit from seeing a psychologist. Instead of thinking endlessly and letting the conflict simmer in your head, try taking a more confident approach.

Turner and Weed classify concealment as one of the three main types of reactions to conflict and describe proofreaders as those who do not take risks and therefore say nothing and hide their views and feelings. Proofreaders are further divided into three types; Namely:[2] Conflict avoidance is a type of philanthropic behavior that typically stems from a deep-rooted fear of upsetting others. While it can be tempting to bottle up feelings like anger and frustration by not shaking the boat, tendencies to avoid conflict can affect your mental health. Serial conflict avoiders will have a series of unconscious maneuvers to get out of combat situations. Maybe you`re throwing a joke; maybe you`re all becoming passive-aggressive; Maybe you leave the room or deliberately change the theme. But when things start to look like a conflict, your immediate reaction is either to get out of the situation or change it in some way to be more peaceful instead of carrying out the fight. Conflicts cause strong physical and emotional reactions in people, which is why they are often avoided. People avoid conflict for a number of reasons. .